I just thought I would share some wild and crazy things that are in our new home. Remember, we are in military housing, so these houses are very close to the 'normal' American house.
First, the key to the front door. The key is large and flat, kind of like a fat dog tag (military kind, not puppy kind).

Second, the screen doors. The screen doors are on the inside. So, if you want fresh air you open your main door, which opens to the outside. The door can then latch
to the outside of your house so the wind doesn't blow it shut. It's not that weird except when you are inside your house and you see all these screen doors.

Third, the toilet. It has a faucet on top. Actually, since we are in military housing our toilets are quite normal. If we lived off-base in Japanese housing the toilets would probably have seat warmers (the houses don't have central heating), washing options for the bum, plus a warm-air to dry your bum. Here, we just have the faucet. It is one of the ways to conserve water. When you flush the toilet water comes out of the faucet automatically. It's not the dirty water, it's the fresh water that is coming in to fill the tank. It just gives you the opportunity to wash your hands, then the dirty hand water fills they tank. Kinda smart, if you ask me. But, no soap please! 

Wow, those are some weird things. Maybe if I comment on something, others will follow. Love you.
Message from Kristen, I was wondering about what your house looked like! These are weird differences. Strange that you can't use soap though with the faucet so do you need hand sanatizer too?
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